Acupuncture is one of the most holistic and effective health practices, which offers numerous benefits to senior citizens, and pregnant women, thereby reducing muscle tension and improving blood circulation. It restores and maintains equilibrium in the body, brain, and soul. Medical professionals also prefer these integrated remedies to treat depression, anxiety, or emotional breakdown.
According to a report published by John Hopkins University, a conventional form of ancient Chinese medicine, acupuncture involves the insertion of firm, metallic needles into the skin as the practitioner makes gentle and deliberate motions with their hands. Sterilization of these needles is a requisite measure to prevent infection. Failure to properly place the needle might cause severe pain during treatment.
Most people feel very little pain when these needles are inserted into the body. But, they refer it to boost energy or relax muscles after the treatment. However, these needles might cause temporary soreness.
It stimulates the central nervous system, which releases substances into the brain, spinal cord, and muscles. These alterations restore the body’s innate capacity to heal and improve physical and mental health.
The World Health Organization (WHO) also marked acupuncture as the most widely used traditional medicine practice trusted by thousands of citizens across the globe.
As per the Britannica report, “acupuncture evolved from the dualistic cosmic theory of the yin and the ‘yang’ in ancient Chinese philosophy. The yin-female principle is passive and dark, represented by the earth. Meanwhile, the yang is active and light, represented by the heavens.”
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Let’s have a thorough look at the emergence of acupuncture, a traditional medical therapy healing physical & mental challenges. The age-old therapy commenced in China around 3000 years ago. The first documentation of acupuncture as an organized system of medicinal practice was mentioned in The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine, which dates back to 100 BCE.
In this Article
The medical approach helps to strengthen the immune system, a vital aspect of protecting the body from disease-causing germs (pathogens), such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
Acupuncture leads to the healthy functioning of the digestive system, thereby addressing issues such as – gallstones, Crohn’s Disease, or inflammatory bowel disease.
Facial acupuncture leads the skin to look smoother and healthier, addresses the signs of aging, and enhances the appearance of your skin.
Acupuncture reduces eye strain, helping to improve the vision of people dealing with problems like night blindness or lazy eyes.
Clinical studies highlight the capacity of acupuncture to reduce osteoarthritis aches, particularly in the knee.
With the extensive surge in urbanization, adapting to the fast-paced lifestyles, complexities in living, breakdown due to emotions, stress, poverty, lack of facilities, excessive usage of drugs and narcotic substances, also an introverted temperament has somehow burdened the mental health. Mental illnesses also increase the risk of suicides – a serious issue that needs to be addressed by authorities and generate awareness among public. However, acupuncture treats symptoms related to chronic stress from depression and other mental health issues.
Traditional medicinal philosophy in China suggests that body imbalance is the significant aspect leading to weight loss. It helps to boost metabolism, lower stress, reduce appetite and optimize digestion.
The remedy can reduce follicle inflammation and increase blood circulation in the scalp to promote hair growth.
The remedy helps to reduce vomiting related to chemotherapy, Xerostomia related to radiation therapy, and Joint & physical pain. Therefore, acupuncture is an alternative to overcome side effects, which emerges from chemotherapy, radiation and surgery.
The medical practice is similar to the ancient health and wellness treatment that emerged in India – AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy, Sowa-Rigpa), which intends to find the root cause of a disease by taking different approaches toward specific health problems. The therapies involved in AYUSH treatment include age-old medical sciences, which have shown positive outcomes in treating diabetes, and hypertension, among others. Recently, the central government has initiated numerous efforts to promote the ancient remedy to heal ailments, leading to physical and mental well-being.
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