Are you a fitness freak looking for an effective workout routine? Or desire to lose some weight? Or losing weight yet not gaining muscles? On top of that you don’t get time to hit the gym. Well, this popular exercise program will surprise you, you don’t need anything but just a few minutes and your desire to get fitter can be accomplished, how? Tabata training!
Tabata training is quickly gaining popularity around the world as a way to get in shape fast. It is designed to get you in the best shape of your life in the shortest amount of time possible.

Below you’ll find a detailed description of what Tabata training is, the benefits, how to do Tabata training, the best workouts and the best timer apps.
Tabata, is a simple yet high intensity training program, which is quite famous among gym goers. This training follows some very simple training routine. But very hard, how hard?
Many consider this exercise as extremely tiring, but worthwhile as it can not only burn fat but also improve your overall health. Furthermore, it has scientifically proven to help and increase both cardiovascular and muscular endurance and performance.
So, let’s dig deeper into it…
What is Tabata Training?
The word Tabata is refers to a workout routine, also known as ‘Tabata Protocol’. Where you have to do 20 seconds of any high intensity exercise and then rest for 10 seconds. You have to do the sets for multiple rounds, it’s up to you how many sets you perform.
Also, there’s another variation where instead of 10 second rest, you have to do a 10 second’s static hold. For example, you do 20 seconds of squats followed by 10 seconds of a static hold squat. This training method calls for 8 sets of exercises done back-to-back.

Whereas, it only takes 4 minutes of pushing yourself and you’ll find your body has run out of energy. It’ll make you aware that you’ve reached your limit. As you’ll be pushing yourself as hard as possible.
Try Tabata today, if you’re new to it take things slow and you’ll be finished before you know it.
In this Article
Who developed this technique: Tabata?
The name Tabata comes from a Japanese scientist Dr. Izumi Tabata, a professor at Ritsumeikan university in Japan and former National Institutes of Health researcher.
He developed this famous technique along with his team from the national institute of Fitness and Sports at Kagoshima Prefecture, back in 1990.

The goal of their research was to find out whether short periods of high-intensity exercise followed by short periods of rest can better regulate the body than continuous moderate-intensity exercise.
And the results showed that moderate-intensity exercise sessions improved the subject’s aerobic fitness but had little anaerobic effects.
In contrast, high-intensity workouts benefited the test subjects more. Both aerobically and anaerobically, which was apparently due to the imbalance between exercise and rest.
Tabata Training Vs HIIT training: what’s the difference?
Let’s clear the confusion, Tabata is one form of HIIT training (High-intensity interval training). However, the main difference between them is that Tabata is a 4-minute intensity workout. And, HIIT exercises take a bit longer. There are various HIIT workouts.
Additionally, Tabata training is short duration but more intense then HIIT exercise which needs longer duration. Both HIIT and Tabata workout can be great for you. Both training results in an after-burn effect (burn calories post-workout).
During both Tabata and HIIT workout the heart-rate spike is very crucial. However, the heart rate during Tabata needs to spike up to 90 – 92% of max heart rate. Whereas, in a regular HIIT circuit, the spikes are in between 75 – 80%.
Benefits of HIIT workout.
- During HIIT workouts, muscle fibers are engaged which leads to muscle rebuild after exercise by boosting testosterone in men.
- HIIT is especially beneficial for older adults, over age 65. It promotes new muscle growth, which works against age-related muscle loss.
- Other benefits – improved cardiovascular fitness, lowered LDL and boosted HDL, increased weight loss, reduced abdominal and body fat, improved stamina, improved insulin sensitivity, decreased blood pressure and improved endurance.
Benefits of Tabata Training?
The best part of Tabata training is that when it comes to exercise, you can do exercise that works best for you. Also, you can combine any equipment that suits your personal training.
This exercise technique which follows rapid alteration between exercise and rest will promptly regulate your heart rate and metabolism.
Tabata training duration might be short but it’s intensity can effectively target specific muscle groups.
Furthermore, you can take rest and then shift to another 4-minute workout in a completely different group of muscles.
- Short and effective workout.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a busy businessman, office worker, athlete…if you’re short on time, this Tabata workout is for you.
It takes only 4 minutes to complete the whole Tabata circuit. And your body will reach its limits.
However, if you prefer to workout longer, you can do more than one Tabata round and test your endurance. Afterall, we count our squats when it starts hurting…
- Annihilate fats.
Besides the fact that Tabata is short duration training, it is also very effective. It is an excellent exercise if your goal is to burn fats.
In fact, it provides the most effective aerobic and anaerobic full-body workouts.
Its intense cardio will increase your heart rate and raise your metabolism, leading to sweating and fat burning. It encourages post workout fat burn.
Which simply means the effect of exercise remains after exercise too. So, if you’re looking for workouts to lose weight, Tabata can help you lose a few pounds just in a week.
- Improves Speed and Endurance.
Including such a high intensity workout in your fitness routine will improve muscular performance resulting in fantastic body flexibility and endurance. How? Give it a try and you’ll see the results.
It is an ideal option for athletes who have to focus on their speed and core strength. Whenever you choose to workout, spare four minutes for Tabata workout.
- Flexible.
It is a super flexible workout technique. How? You can incorporate any exercise you’re comfortable with into a Tabata training.
Whether you’re a newbie or a pro, if you’re willing to test your body and increase your skills and endurance, you can create your own Tabata workouts that suit your needs and abilities.
- Build and Protect Muscle Tissue.
After a long workout hour, you might be losing weight and getting lean, however not gaining muscle. Furthermore, you’re mostly losing your muscle tissues too.
A man definitely desires a fit masculine body, whatsoever, your so-called long cardio sessions won’t help you achieve that. So, here’s good news! Tabata can be ideal if you’re all about preserving and gaining muscles.
Because, Tabata puts force on your muscle tissues, telling your body that more muscle tissues are required. And by choosing exercise that increases muscle mass and incorporating it with Tabata technique can do wonders.
Help Maintain Overall Health: Increases Aerobic and Anaerobic Capacity.
How? Let me enlighten you…Tabata training helps improve the capability of your heart and lungs which circulates oxygen around your body.
What Tabata does is it put those two organs’ capabilities to the test and in the meantime, rejuvenates them. Which eventually improves the overall fitness as well as increases strength which will help you to tackle everyday chores with ease.
The Method:
Before jumping to any conclusion and start doing exercise on your own, let’s learn the routine. One Tabata round consists of a continuous movement. Following the 20 seconds workout-10 seconds rest rule.
- Exercise 20 secs – Rest 10 secs
- Exercise 20 secs – Rest 10 secs
- Exercise 20 secs – Rest 10 secs
- Exercise 20 secs – Rest 10 secs
- Exercise 20 secs – Rest 10 secs
- Exercise 20 secs – Rest 10 secs
- Exercise 20 secs – Rest 10 secs
- Exercise 20 secs – Rest 10 secs
The Best Tabata Exercises for Men.
Kettlebell Swings.
This exercise combined with Tabata increases your endurance, core stability, and full-body fat burning. To perform this exercise, you’ll require a 10-25 pounds kettlebell.
Two-arm swing. Hold the kettlebell with both hands and keep your feet shoulder apart. Slightly bend the knees. First swing the bell back between your legs, thrust your hips forward followed by swinging the bell up to the shoulder height.
And repeat the steps, and complete 2 sets.
If you’re a beginner start with Regular push-ups. However, you’ve to follow the method of 20 seconds push-ups and 10 seconds’ rest. then repeat.
- Regular push-ups
- Wide Grip push-ups
- Diamond push-ups
This exercise hits your legs, glutes and arms. What you’ve to do is –
- Stand straight, squat from a standing position until your thigh is parallel to the floor.
- Then, place your palm on the floor, from there keeping your arms extended, kick your feet back as far as possible.
- Comeback to your hand as soon as the foot hits the ground and then jump into the air. The moment you land, squat over and repeat the steps.
This exercise hits quads, glutes, shoulders and arms.
- Hold the handles of two kettlebells or dumbbells, in a way that the weight falls on the back of your shoulders.
- Bend your knees slightly, squat down, keeping your legs aligned with your shoulders.
- Cross your legs and stretch them, while extending your arms, lift the kettlebell or dumbbells above your head.
- Squat and repeat.
Bodyweight Squats.
It focuses on quads, glutes, hamstrings and calves. So, here’s what you’ve to do.
- Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Begin the exercise by bending your knees and leaning back on your hips.
- Lower as far as possible and then quickly reverse the action to get back to the starting position.
- Keep your head up-right and your back straight throughout the movement.
The Best Tabata workouts for Men.
Above, you got familiar with some exercises. So now let’s dig into some Tabata workouts. I have listed the workouts, so you can choose the workout that suits you best.
(Before choosing exercises do look at the method that we shared in the above section)
However, make sure you choose exercises that test different muscle groups. If you choose four exercises that hit the upper body, choose another four which will focus on lower body muscles.
- Push up
- Sit-ups
- Bicep curls
- Shoulder Press
- Bear Crawl
- Heel touches
- Uneven plank
- Standing abs twist
- High knees
- Crunch
- Bodyweight squat
- Dumbbell piston push-pull
- Plank Jack
- Seal Jack
- Mountain climber
- Skater Hop
- Low-Box Hand taps
- Low Box runners
- Jump Ropes
- Handstand
- Muscle-ups
- Sprints
Examples of Tabata workout plans –
Tabata 1 –
- Crunches
- Squats
- Lunges
- Push-ups
- Plank
- Side plank
- Wall sit
- Calf raises
Tabata 2 –
- Mountain climbers
- Burpees
- Jumping Jacks
- High knees
- Butt kicks
- Jump ropes
- Jump Squats
- Jump lunges
Best Tabata Timer apps:
What is a Tabata timer? And why do you need a Tabata timer?
Well, this Tabata timer is especially designed to help you with Tabata training. There are various fitness apps but Tabata timers are unique.
Tabata workout is all about 20/10 second’s rule. These timers will help you to exercise correctly and allow you to do the right amount of exercise and rest. As per the exercises.
Here are the best Tabata timer apps, which can help you focus on the workout session. As there are so many apps available, I have divided the apps into two sections: paid and free.
Free Tabata Apps:
- Quick 4 Minute Workout – Tabata
- Tabata Stopwatch Pro
- HIIT & Tabata Interval Timer Pro
- Tabata Interval HIIT Timer
- MyTabata
- Tabata Timer for HIIT
- Home Workouts
- SWIFT Tabata
- Tabata HIIT Interval Timer
- Abs Workout – HIIT, Tabata, Fitness Challenge
- Tabata Timer with Music
Paid Tabata Apps:
- Seconds Pro Interval Timer
- Tabata Trainer
- Interval Timer Pro
- Tabata Pro
If Tabata training sounds too much of work, as a beginner you can start with indoor cycling.